OT Security Blog Articles

Insights on Resilience, Vulnerability Management, and More

The Stuxnet Story

The Stuxnet Story

The following text is a transcript from the video with the same title:       In 2007, an unidentified person submitted a code sample to the collaborative anti-virus platform Virustotal. Not recognized by any anti-virus company at the time, that code was...

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A comprehensive guide to OT/ICS asset management

In this guide we outline what OT/ICS asset management is, what it can do for you, and why it is required for sustainable OT security. What is OT, and what is an asset? OT is an acronym for operations technology, which basically means digital technology used for...

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Discovering Network Details & Topology with OT-BASE

Discovering Network Details & Topology with OT-BASE

Are you losing track of network details and topology? Dozens or hundreds of process networks with thousands of endpoints are nothing special in today's digital OT environments. Maintaining an accurate inventory with all these devices with tools like Microsoft Excel is...

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OT vulnerability management: Visualizing your attack surface

OT vulnerability management: Visualizing your attack surface

Vulnerability management is starting to get traction in OT, and where it does, asset owners are faced with an unpleasant surprise. While many are expecting the need to fix dozens of vulnerabilities, in reality the number is much higher. If your organization operates...

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Die drei Trends für OT/ICS Asset Management in 2020

Viel ist passiert seitdem wir das erste reinrassige Asset Management System für die OT eingeführt haben, und 2019 war das Jahr mit der steilsten Lernkurve. In diesem Blogartikel beschreiben wir auf der Basis dieser Erfahrungen die wichtigsten Markttrends für 2020, und...

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Three trends that will shape OT/ICS asset management in 2020

Three trends that will shape OT/ICS asset management in 2020

A lot has been going on since we have introduced the OT-BASE Asset Management Platform, and 2019 was the year with the steepest learning curve. In this blog article we discuss which market trends we see for 2020, and how they shape our product strategy and roadmap for...

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